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Dr. Jamshidi’s Revolutionary Anxiety Relief Formula

Learn the single most effective strategy to counteract anxiety at the onset without any help

2 Hours, 1 Surprising Strategy, 0 AnxietyTM is a 2-hour live course that teaches an exclusive, research-backed & proprietary anxiety relief formula which is the only implementation program of its kind that not only shows you exactly how to stop anxiety at its inception – but with ample practice, you’ll be able to use it any time you need it by yourself like a pro

What sets 2 Hours, 1 Surprising Strategy, 0 Anxiety TM apart?

There is only a two-hour live training between you and potentially a bright anxiety-free future. This course will not be like anything you’ve ever seen or heard. You won’t be lectured on what you already intellectually know, you won’t be asked to repeat mantras that you may not deep down believe in and you will most certainly will not be asked to “breath”, you are already doing that! 

In the first part of the course, you’ll learn how anxiety is created, what is the anatomy of anxiety, and Dr. Jamshidi’s proprietary technique to stop anxiety at its onset. The second half of the course is live practice. Bring all your anxiety, and your biggest triggers and learn live how to leave it all behind. Dr. Jamshidi will practice live with volunteers to demonstrate how the technique is implemented while anxiety is forming. 

This technique by no means is a magic bullet but it’s a brilliant and straightforward formula that you can follow step by step. With resilience and commitment to a better life and a peaceful you –the same things that brought you to this page in search of answers-  you can practice it and make it become second nature and replace the current automatic anxiety route. 

Meet your Instructor

My Experience

I know this from personal experience

I dealt with 25 years of chronic, major depression that started when I was a teenager and it got relentlessly worse every year. Although medications and therapy work for millions, unfortunately, it didn’t work for me. The deeper my depression got, the more I retreated from life and became paralyzed. I settled for learning-to-live-with-it since I felt powerless to change it. In 2009, while a Ph.D. student, another disaster happened. My face started swelling up like a balloon to the point that my eyelids swell shut and my face became unrecognizable, a bit like the exaggerated way that peanut allergies are depicted in cartoons; the only difference was that it was real and I had no allergies. This happened once a week and my face didn’t have the time to regenerate skin. I looked like a monster with no skin on my face. Being privileged to live in New York City, I had access to world-renowned physicians and scientists. For months a team of 6 of the best of the best subspecialists worked on me and all they could do was to inject me the highest possible doses of the strongest steroids. After 4 months, to our horror, even this temporary band-aid with devastating side effects stopped working and with a heavy heart, they told me there is nothing they can do for me. Since it was on my face, the only place I couldn’t cover up and hide, I couldn’t learn-to-live-with-it the way I did with my depression. After all the pity parties I could muster to throw for myself, I made a firm decision to fix it. As a researcher, I doubled down and within 6 months, with no medications, I fixed my face and discovered a brain pathway doing so. My facial skin grew back and left no scars and it hasn’t happened once since. Unfortunately, I continued to put up with my depression and extreme anxiety which would wake me up around 3 am most nights ending in a panic attack. When I had enough, I used the same technique to end my depression in mid-2018 for good. However, anxiety was still persisting. I spent a year working on understanding anxiety and finding a way to stop that too. I hit pay dirt and created a surprising strategy. With a firm resolve, I practiced that for a year on a daily basis and my debilitating anxiety stopped. Now it’s my mission to teach this formula to the world and reduce as much pain as possible. 


Effective Academy

by Dr. Jamshidi

Learning about the anatomy of anxiety gave me goosebumps. I never knew how I create anxiety for myself, it blew my mind. Steven. M


Dr, Jamshidi

This technique helped me get rid of my anxiety. It felt like a part of my lungs that was never available to me, opened up for the first time and I could forever breathe better. Christine. S

Who is this course designed for?

This course is for those of you who’ve had it, with anxiety, with the constant feeling of fear, with stress and pressure, and with all the procrastination and distractions that they come with. This is for those of you who believe you should and deserve to live in peace, feel in control. This is for those of you who’ve decided to put yourself and your health first once and for all and make a big change. 

This course is only two hours since it’s designed for busy professionals. All the fat has been trimmed and the material is clear and to the point. No fluff, and no “free” bonuses. Our approach is with integrity. We won’t be insulting your intelligence by posting a $249.99 pricing to trick your brain or offering “free” bonuses since nothing is free in life and the entire human experience is based on exchange. Enroll not because we’ve used successful “sales tactics”  but because you appreciate honesty and are fully ready and committed to living a much higher quality of life than what you’ve settled for before and you know you’re worth it

You are here for a reason

Anxiety is that nagging feeling, fear, and nervousness about pending doom in the future that lives in the back of your mind, and no matter how much we ignore it, it never completely goes away. Deep down we know that anxiety is not a “normal” part of life. We shouldn’t have to put up with it. When Anxiety and overwhelm creep in, some of us feel paralyzed, some become restless and some of us distract ourselves by TV, eating, drinking, spending money or hours on social media, smoking, self-harm, gambling, or even drugs. Whatever the response, it escalates and takes us away from our goal. In turn, we feel more anxious or maybe even engage in self-loathing resulting in a sense of failure and inadequacy. 


Now, imagine a life with no overwhelm, no anxiety, no resultant guilt or self-doubt. Imagine always having the presence of mind to organize your thoughts and see your goals achievable as opposed to being cheated of your rightful peace by the snowball of anxiety. Living an anxiety-free life can profoundly change the quality of your life  

Get yours now.

Seats Are Limited. HURRY UP.

Refund Policy

No refunds. No rescheduling. All sales are final. 

This class is not unlimited seating. Since we practice the technique live with a few volunteers and answer questions, in order for the students to get as much attention as possible and as many questions as possible can be answered, the seating is limited. A canceled seat is a seat that could’ve helped someone else therefore, all sales are final.

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